John A Hardy
Leadership coach
• Business coaching
• Church coaching
• Executive coaching
• Life coaching
• Professional coaching
• School coaching

Colin Noyes
Leadership coach
• Organisational health & growth
• Change management
• Leadership development
• Team Building
• Staff recruitment & development
• Business Coaching

Gary Hourigan
Gold Coast
Leadership coach
• Church development
• Individual & team coaching
• Church pastor & planter coaching
• Training for coaches
• Training for preachers
• Training for leaders

David Allan
Sunshine Coast
Leadership coach
• Executive leadership development
• Organisational growth
• Team assessment & performance
• Talent Management
• Succession Planning
• Strategic Planning

Graham Beattie
Leadership coach
• Goal discernment
• Strategic and action planning
• Skill development
• Change management
• Organisational Development

Linda Harding
Leadership Coach
• Clergy, pastor coaching
• NGO & NFP coaching
• Women in Leadership coaching
• Life purpose workshops
• Coach training
• Life coaching

Chris Harding
Leadership Coach
• Clergy, pastor coaching
• NFP & NGO coaching
• Church Coaching
• Team, group coaching
• Life coaching
• Coach training
Our Key Coaching Focus Area
1. LEADERSHIP COACHING: We are all highly experienced at coaching senior leaders, with a holistic focus on their self-care along with their leadership presence in how they manage others. It is at the senior leadership level that ‘people management’ is such a critical factor in predicting organisational success. Getting this area right creates exponential impact upon organisational culture, climate, teams, personnel and results. This means that small positive changes in the right areas have a significant positive impact on key outcomes. Often we hear directly from senior leaders of how lonely it is at the top, because it is inappropriate to share key issues with their direct reports. Yet having a coach as a trusted thinking partner can help alleviate some of that isolation, along with contributing to greater strategic insights, addressing team dynamics and empowering others. Furthermore, we regularly use reliable psychometric assessments to gain clarity on the right leadership growth goals needed for maximum leadership effect. It is this clarity that sets a platform for coaching without wasting time and seeing real results.
2. LEADERSHIP TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: Each of the Collective Coaches in our Cohort has had extensive experience in training and developing leaders. We can deliver training on topics related to individual leadership competencies, along with how leaders can address specific organisational growth and development. This would entail topics such as: emotional intelligence, coaching direct reports, change management, employee engagement, strategic planning, recruitment, team development, succession planning and producing a top talent organisation. When you add coaching to this type of training, each participant receives a customised implementation plan with the support to execute the necessary behaviours for success.
3. NATURAL CHURCH DEVELOPMENT (NCD): The NCD paradigm is an effective way to assist churches to focus on areas of church health, which has a by-product in spiritual and numerical growth. We can deliver training to a church investigating the use of NCD and workshop how various areas can be applied to your church. After conducting an NCD church-wide questionnaire, leaders often benefit from further training and leadership coaching in how to best use the quality information.
If you have any leadership or organisational needs, please feel free to setup a free exploratory session with us to discuss how coaching can assist.
BENEFITS OF TRAINING: Organisations often need team-wide and culture-wide input to assist leaders in achieving their organisational objectives and cultural shifts. Training allows for a common experience across an organisation giving leaders leverage for achievement through a common langauge, vision and goals. Good training accompanied by leadership coaching have shown to be a powerful way to create empowering environments where people thrive. We are only too happy to discuss your needs and how we could contribute to you achieving your aspirations.
If you are serious about taking big steps to greater effect, then why not setup a free exploratory session with one of our team members. This session will assist you in becoming crystal clear on:
1. What results you really want to achieve.
2. What is your current situation and what is stopping you from moving forward
3. Brain-storming some initial steps toward a real solution to powerfully asist you in your leadership effectiveness.
Welcome to the Australian Coaching Collective! We are a group of highly experienced business, corporate, educational, church, ministry and not-for-profit Leadership Coaches that have delivered effective coaching strategies to these sectors. With our collective experience in coaching senior leaders, many within key strategic positions, we understand the essential elements of leadership and how to navigate the many nuances involved. We value the whole person. Through coaching, we all treasure the core value of creating empowering environments where leaders can flourish in their vocational and personal lives, ensuring the multiplication of effective and better leaders. We are only too happy to discuss your needs and how we could contribute to you achieving your leadership and personal aspirations.
If you are serious about taking big steps to greater effect, then why not setup a free exploratory session with one of our team. This session will assist you in becoming crystal clear on:
1. What it is you need
2. What is the one thing holding you back, and
3. What is the one step that will get you moving in the right direction
Contact Us
RESPECT – ACC respects the intrinsic value of every human being. Therefore, we honour each person in the way we speak to and about them; establish appropriate boundaries with whom we interact; and hold what information is shared in strict confidence within the bounds of the law.
INTEGRITY – ACC believes that how we interrelate with our clients and each other is an important reflection of our values and character. Therefore, we are committed to working with thorough fairness and honesty on all occasions.
EXCELLENCE – ACC believes in operating to the highest standards of customer care and quality service in both what we deliver and how we deliver our services.
OPPORTUNITY – ACC values the regular coaching opportunities it receives and walks beside others to see them empowered closer to their potential. We therefore regularly pursue possibilities for coaching by interacting with others to discern the best solution for them.
ACCOUNTABILITY – Without being held to commitments, ACC believes that people rarely reach the staggering potential inherent within them. We therefore seek to clarify what people, or groups, aspire to achieve and hold them to their own measurable standards of success.